Friday 20 March 2015

Evaluation Activity 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The main technology that we used for constructing our movie was Adobe Premier Elements on PC. With this we could do a variety of editing to make our film look more advanced and higher quality, it was an extremely successful tool that helped us out as a group. However, it did take a lot of time getting used to as we found it quite complicated at first but once we started to get more understanding about it we found it fun and enjoyable to use! Abode Premier Elements allowed us to trim our individual clips and place them where we wanted which provided seamlessly shots cutting from one to another. This is efficacious as it allows the audience to benefit from the good quality as if it had increasingly noticeable jump cuts this would make the film less successful and not enjoyable to watch. Adding transitions made links with the cutting as it was just different techniques which we used to cut from and to. We used the fade in and out transition with the credits as we it made the film look more skillful. As well as this we could add soundtracks in which we edited to fit the the film helping us to create the build up and reach the climax at the right time, making the audience feel the spook from the film as the music we chose created an eerie and ominous atmosphere. When creating the titles it allowed us to follow the codes and conventions of a horror as we could choose background colour, a type of font, and the font colour. We researched horror titles helping us to develop a similar title. Overall, this helped adapt our film to its final product, looking experienced and polished.

We used a Canon 1200D camera, this was one of my friends in our group. This came to an advantage to us when filming as due to the high standard quality and the certain qualities the camera could do it provided a more professional picture for our film. One out of many qualities it had was manual focus, this allowed us to change the depth of field, blurring the background and have a sharp focus on our chosen object/character/surrounding, this could have provided tension and suspense at certain points of the scene. Using the camera by hand allowed us to incorporate effective shots such as high and low angle however, in some shots it would have been useful to use a tri-pod as it would've allowed us to create steady shots.  From this experience of using different technologies and doing all our research next time we can provide an even more experienced and better film.

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