Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation Activity 8

What targets will you set yourself for G324 next year - when you will make a trailer?

This year I am proud of how much I have learnt and achieved, showing progression in my work. For example, when I first begun I had very limited knowledge on the technology we had to use such as Adobe Premier Elements and Photoshop, but after watching YouTube videos and researching about how to use these it allowed me to gain a stronger understanding for our opening two minutes. This was effective as through this it allowed me to produce a high quality trailer by adding transitions, cutting scenes to make seamless movements and adding audio in the background providing tension. As well as this I learnt new terms and put them in practice when analysing YouTube trailers, learning about the film industry and learning new camera techniques. 
Even though I have gained a better understanding on many things this year, I still have a lot to learn next year to progress. For example, in A2 when producing our second trailer there is a lot that we can do to make it more advanced to the one we have made this year. Firstly, we will plan our trailer earlier as in this case we filmed it last minute which meant that when we looked over our trailer and we want to re film our ending we had no time to do this due to the deadline. Secondly, I would like to get more involved with the editing of the trailer. I done a lot to participate in the trailer but as we worked in a group of three all of us limited certain knowledge as we all done individual tasks. Next year I can achieve this by working by myself. Our trailer was based on a horror genre so next year I would like to mix it up to a Romance. This would consist of following different codes and conventions which may be interesting to get a deeper research into, especially because it is my favourite genre! The four main focuses that is a bit part in our trailer consist of camera composition, mis-en-scene, editing and sound. Next year I could progress on all these areas which would improve the trailer significantly and could result in a higher grade. For example, for camera composition we could add more complicated shots and shots that are mainly used in that genre, shots such as match on action look effective but are simple once you edit it correctly and tidy. The mis-en-scene is always quite an easy convention to follow as you can take a variety of ideas from other trailers in your chosen genre. In our trailer this year sound caused many problems when trying to put over our trailer. For example, we had to match the sound exactly to our trailer to create that build up and suspense in the right areas. This was extremely time consuming as it was a tricky task but with a bit of help we as a group succeeded!
Besides all the stressful and tricky situations with the trailer and technology I found this a great experience and real achievement to make a high standard trailer, giving me an insight into what the media industry can be about!

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