Monday, 12 January 2015

Location Research

We have chosen this location for our horror film as it is a dark, gloomy forest following a footpath that is realistic for a walk home. It follows the codes and conventions of the setting being in the forest, making it clear that this film will be a horror. Just from these images you can connote that in the film it will help build tension with the medium and long shots of these pathways, only consisting of the victim and the antagonist, far away from any help while surrounded in death and danger. The curves off the pathway help
create everything to be more spooky as the audience do not know what is about to happen around each corner as the camera tracks the breathless victim running for her life.
Here is the second pathway that we chose to film on, this is connected to the image above however leads to a main road which could give the audience hope that there is a chance of survival. In the filming we plan to have the scene where she is so close to safety but he finally grabs her. However, this leads to a bit of action where the victim then escapes again creating a roller coaster of emotions for the audience and with the up beat music help creating extreme amounts of suspension and adds enigmas. Will she escape?

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